Category: Linux/Unix
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 on Linux
One of the most exciting updates in SQL Server 2016 is the ability to run it on Linux! Currently working on some designs which incorporate SQL Server 2016 AlwaysOn Availability groups and had to ask; does it work on Linux? Well, there’s a Channel9 video for that. The host briefly mentions AlwaysOn Availability Groups, and…
Subversion, Trac, Apache & mod_dav_svn
I had looked at this a while ago but gave up thinking it was too hard, too time consuming. It still is. To begin with, Subversion, or SVN, is a version control system, typical used by programmers and the like. I have previously used it professionally, and came to the conclusion that I needed to…
My iptables “base” ruleset
I’m not 100% sure if this is correct in a security sense, but thought I’d post this. For my web/database servers, it’s a pretty basic setup really. Drop all inbound packets not specifically allowed, and allow all outbound unless specifically denied. Open for comment / feedback. It’s for all intensive purposes, pretty secure in my…
TODO: Webmin Virtual Host Configuration
I’m using Webmin for “basic” administration of a few webservers I run. Admittedly, most of the configuration I do with Webmin is simple zone file edits and editing virtual host directives, by editing the configuration files directly, using the web interface merely as a text editor. It seems that wherever I go, outgoing SSH is…
Windows Event Logs to Syslog – Update
I came across this site earlier, seems to have a good amount of resources linked for anyone looking to implement Windows event log to syslog. There’s not much in terms of documentation, but it lists a number of tools which may help people in implementing this. Good luck! EDIT: Seems in linking to this,…
HTTP Referrer Spam
My web stats for one of my larger websites is full of referrers which look to be spam… Today’s brief stats below shows the highest referral counts coming from a page titled “how to open an offshore company”… Cause I need to know how to do that… Quick search: – BAHHH DEBIAN… need…
Windows 2003 / 2008 event logging to Syslog
I stumbled on a seemingly unique requirement this week to log file access for a Windows network share. Of importance, was the logging of object deletions, and writes. For most Windows admins, this probably sounds like a simple task of setting up group policies or local security policies to audit object access, and the required…