Getting More out of Google AdSense (And a bit of SEO 101)
There’s lots of gimmicky “make a quick buck” packages, scams, or whatever you want to call them, floating around on the internet. It sums up the dream really, to sit at home and earn money, whilst merely sitting on the couch, or for the responsible people, spending time with their family. A good friend of…
WPAD & Proxy Timeout Issue
If you’ve been following, I’ve recently been playing with Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010, the “new” ISA Server. Now, for all intensive purposes, everything is configured correctly. There’s a virtual IP for the proxy array (let’s say,, and the WPAD file is published, and contains the IP addresses of both proxies (let’s say,…
WSUS, TMG & WPAD – Making the Proxy Bypass List Work!
I got tasked with a problem today which was plain weird… New servers being deployed, are unable to contact the WSUS distribution point to check for updates. The file C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log show the following errors: 2010-11-23 11:03:45:106 800 634 Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee2. Proxy List used: Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth…
My iptables “base” ruleset
I’m not 100% sure if this is correct in a security sense, but thought I’d post this. For my web/database servers, it’s a pretty basic setup really. Drop all inbound packets not specifically allowed, and allow all outbound unless specifically denied. Open for comment / feedback. It’s for all intensive purposes, pretty secure in my…
Getting your foot into the IT industry & my history
I get asked a fair bit, do I know of any jobs going in the IT industry, by mates looking to get into IT. I occasionally get asked, how I got to where I am today also. So I’m writing this post for anyone out there, who’s just finishing school and wondering what the next step should…
Makeshift Anonymous (aka always encrypted) Browsing
In light of all the “omg, people can hack into my Facebook/Twitter account now” rubbish that’s been headlining around the world in the last week, I faced a similar situation, in constantly being prompted to allow access through a firewall, which seemed to think my access to brain dump material was actually an attempt to…
825mbps “Phantom DSL” – NBN Killer?
Exceeelllleeennnttttt. Puts Stephen Conroy’s NBN fibre network to shame, doesn’t it? Nokia Siemens Networks achieves world record copper DSL speeds Paris, France – 25 October 2010 “Phantom DSL” reaches 825 megabits per second over 400 meters of copper lines Nokia Siemens Networks has successfully tested a technology that could drastically increase the data carrying capacity…
Office 2011 for Mac
Plain and simple. Office 2008 on the Mac sucks. Yeah, I can edit my documents just fine, but it still sucks. Office 2007 in Windows introduced the “ribbon” bar, something I’ve accustomed to and grown to like, whereas Office 2008 for Mac, adds these panels on the right hand side of your screen, similar to…
lock picking 101
LifeHacker has essentially posted a “101 guide” to lock picking, for all the little kids out there who are on holidays! If you’ve never picked a lock before, you’re missing out. It’s a fun, for the most part it’s a strictly analogue/mechanical pursuit (a therapeutic break from electronic gadgets), and unlike, say, learning to juggle,…
iPhone Lock Screen Security Flaw
wired.com posted an article moments ago with a funny little flaw, allowing you to bypass the “lock code” configured on an iPhone. The discovery by some Brazilian dude (read the article here – http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/10/iphone-snoop/), notes the following procedure: 1. Press the emergency call buton 2. Dial ### 3. Push the call button, and immediately hit…