• It’s Potato Not Pasta!

    I’m going to spare a minute for something that isn’t Mac, iPhone, or even Windows… No, this topic is far more important. Gnocchi!

  • I’ve caved, time for an iPad

    Okay, no, I lied. But it appears, after Steve Jobs keynote yesterday (or last night Australian time), that Mac OS X Lion is going to be very iPad-esque. From the “sneak peak” posted on Apple’s website (here – http://www.apple.com/macosx/lion/), all I can say is wow! I think this is really exciting. I’ve been a Mac-supporter for…

  • Better TCPViewer

    I needed to show all the connections on a virus infected machine a while ago, and being a Microsoft tech, I normally used the Sysinternals TCPViewer tool to do this… However, TCPViewer is a bit limited. I mean, I’m trying to track all the connections on a given port, say, SMTP port 25, but I…

  • Forefront TMG Stuff

    http://www.isascripts.org/ – a bunch of handy scripts by a security consultant named Jason Fossen Microsoft tools for TMG 2010 – http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=8809cfda-2ee1-4e67-b993-6f9a20e08607&displaylang=en Technet Doco for TMG 2010 – http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff355324.aspx Jim Harrison’s list of tools for TMG2010 – http://www.isatools.org/tools.asp?Context=TMG2010 Microsoft ISA Blog – http://blogs.technet.com/b/isablog/

  • TODO: Webmin Virtual Host Configuration

    I’m using Webmin for “basic” administration of a few webservers I run. Admittedly, most of the configuration I do with Webmin is simple zone file edits and editing virtual host directives, by editing the configuration files directly, using the web interface merely as a text editor. It seems that wherever I go, outgoing SSH is…

  • Mac OS X Mouse Acceleration

    I previously posted a while back that I had issues with the Mac OS X mouse acceleration with a Microsoft optical mouse, which I fixed by installing the IntelliPoint software. Well, recently I started using a Logitech bluetooth mouse, and the problem popped up again. This time, it wasn’t so easy to fix by just…

  • twistori – a live Twitter feed with a difference

    twistori is something really special… After rebuilding my OS, I went searching for a new Twitter client to manage my 3 or 4 accounts. I came across this page at MacLife listing “8 Essential Twitter Apps”, which pointed me to twistori which promised to be a little bit of fun. twistori displays a life feed directly from…

  • gfxCardStatus – Mac OS X GPU Switcher

    Mac OS X, on the right MacBook Pro, has the ability to change the current GPU in use to maximise battery life, or maximise performance. To change this, you have to open the Energy Saver pane in the System Settings, and change it between performance or battery life modes. Once you change it here, you…

  • MacBook Pro HDD Upgrade – Part 2

    This didn’t go quite to plan… Firstly, my MacBook’s Superdrive (aka DVD burner), decided to fry the laser assembly at some point in the past few weeks… Ouch… So took it down to Nextbyte and they (very promptly, I must say), sorted it out. In one day, out the next, I was impressed. Having gotten…

  • MacBook Pro HDD Upgrade – Part 1

    When I purchased my 15″ MacBook Pro last year, I optioned for a 250GB 7200RPM SATA drive, as it was not only cheaper, but faster spindle speed then the standard 500GB 5400RPM drive offered by Apple. I’ve since had numerous issues with space, I’m a huge consumer of (legitimate) television shows and my iTunes library…