Tag: linkedin
iTunes + iPhone 4 + pre-populated credit card fields
Okay. So I had this song stuck in my head while I was on the bus this morning, and it totally got to me… Me being the MacFag that I am, with my iPhone 4 and all, jumped on iTunes and downloaded the album, a minute later I had it all right there, playing through…
Windows Event Logs to Syslog – Update
I came across this site earlier, seems to have a good amount of resources linked for anyone looking to implement Windows event log to syslog. http://www.loganalysis.org/windows-to-syslog/ There’s not much in terms of documentation, but it lists a number of tools which may help people in implementing this. Good luck! EDIT: Seems in linking to this,…
iPhone Data Recovery
iPhone needs to be jailbroken to do this (tested on my iPhone 4, with iOS 4.0.1 using the www.jailbreakme.com jailbreaker). You don’t need OpenSSH installed, but I prefer it. If you install OpenSSH, connect using root@iphoneipaddress, password ‘alpine’ – I suggest changing this using the `passwd` command while you’re at it. MobileTerminal currently doesn’t work…
There’s always a better way – Windows Fixes
It really annoys me when people say, “oh, why don’t you just re-install Windows” or “do a repair install”. Over the past few years I had numerous machines come in that plain wouldn’t boot in to Windows, and even other technical colleagues would comment that it needed Windows reinstalled or repaired. To me this is…
HTTP Referrer Spam
My web stats for one of my larger websites is full of referrers which look to be spam… Today’s brief stats below shows the highest referral counts coming from a page titled “how to open an offshore company”… Cause I need to know how to do that… Quick search: http://underscorebleach.net/jotsheet/2005/01/referrer-spam-proposal http://chris.quietlife.net/2005/01/16/referrer-b-gone/ – BAHHH DEBIAN… need…
Mac OS X Gaming Part II
In my last post about MacOSX gaming, I mentioned I like to play Counter Strike / Left 4 Dead, and how I attempted to run it via Parallels virtually etc etc etc. Well, yesterday, Valve announced some AWESOME news for us Mac owners… I can’t wait to try this out 🙂 Valve announced today it…
Mac OS X Speedup Bits
I decided my Mac was running a bit slower, something I would usually refer to as the “Windows downhill effect”. Turns out Mac OS X has it too! Albeit slightly less intrusive… As usual, Google delivered. I tested out a bunch of apps, and heck, even purchased my first piece of shareware, EVER. Amongst the…
Mac OS X Gaming
Having bought a Mac, I sort of stopped playing Counter Strike, in the absence of a mouse etc. I managed to have a crack at TOCA Race Driver 3, which is still by far one of my favorite games (second only to Gran Turismo, for those at home playing along on a PlayStation). I am…
Macintosh Performance Guide: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: Booting the 64-bit Kernel
I was stunned the other day when I was looking through my system info on my Snow Leopard equipped Mac Book Pro to find it was running in 32bit mode…. Turns out you have to manually configure it to run in 64bit every single time you boot up (as seen further below), or by holding…
Outlook 2010 + Social Networks
I thought this was super massive awesome cool plus plus!!!!!1111oneoneone I just installed the Office 2010 beta, and jumped in to my email quickly to grab a call. When I went to reply to an email, I noticed a little bar, similar to the “security” bar you get at the top of Internet Explorer, at…